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외국살이 서울살이엠마누엘라(임애라)
등록 : 2024-11-02 18:03 수정 : 2024-11-02 22:01
필자가 홈스테이 룸메이트, 호스트와 서울 경복궁.충남 태안군 만리포 해수욕장 놀이공원을 여행하면서담은 사진.
한국이라는 낯선 곳에 교육이나 정착을 목적으로 왔을 때 이런 문제를 겪게 되면 매우 난감할 수밖에 없으며 서울살이에 적응하고 정착하는 데 큰 불편이 될 수 있습니다. 외국 학생들을 위한 좀더 유연한 은행 계좌가 절실한 이유입니다. 문화적 차이로 의사소통과 금융거래 같은 일들은 생각보다 복잡할 수 있습니다. 외국인으로 다른 문화권에 장기간 방문할 계획이 있다면 미리 일상생활에 필요한 모든 정보를 심층적으로 탐색하고 그 나라에서 오랫동안 거주해온 현지인을 알아둬 예기치 않은 어려운 상황을 피할 수 있을 것 같습니다. 학업이나 여행을 목적으로 서울살이를하는 외국인들이 한국에서 좋은 경험을 할 수 있기를 바라며 개인의 문화적 지식을 풍부하게 해서 어려운 상황이 닥쳤을 때 잘 극복하길 바랍니다. 글·사진 엠마누엘라 모로나레(이탈리아) emanuelamoronare544@gmail.com 번역 지은진(홈스테이 매니저) [기고 원문] Hi my name is 임애라 and I’m a foreign studying in Korea. Today I want to share with you one of the things that make me struggle some times. Being a foreigner in Korea can be a mix of satisfactions and challenges, particularly when talking about everyday life as an expatriate. One of them is opening a bank account. While this is essential for managing finances, it comes with restrictions that can complicate a lot the daily life. When you open a bank account in Korea, there’s often a small amount of money you can send to others account. This can be particularly problematic when you need to pay for crucial expenses, such as a deposit for an apartment or tuition fees for school. Imagine finding the perfect place to live or a school that meets your needs, only to realize that you can’t transfer the necessary funds in one go due to these restrictions. That was my case, I needed to pay for the upcoming semester at my the language school and I couldn’t since the amount was way bigger than the total amount allowed for students. Moreover usually the schools want it to be made in only one transfer. Something that for foreigners is not allowed. Thankfully I had some Korean friends that I consider like my second family here and they were able to help me. But that is not the case for everyone especially for someone that has not been here for a long time or does not have anyone to help them. Thins kind of event can be very frustrating, especially when you're trying to settle in another place or support your education. It can feel like a barrier to fully integrating into life in Korea. Of course, overcoming these challenges is part of the journey of living in a foreign country where you need to learn how to handle difficult circumstances and is always a big satisfaction when we are able to overcome those situations. Of course when we talk about cultural differences communication and finance are in two different level of complexity. So my suggestion to everyone that is planning to come for a long term would be to deep search for all the information possible related to one’s daily life needs and always try to make some native friend or someone that have been living in that country for a longer amount of time so that they will be able to help you to get to know better the cultural differences and overcome those situations easily and avoid misunderstanding. Lastly but not least is really important to remember that overcoming challenges is a fundamental part while living abroad and that each challenge contributes to personal growth and enriching experiences that will help you for future events. I also hope that every one that came to visit the country or to study here to have a really good experience and that from every difficult overcome experience there will be always something that will enrich our cultural knowledge. 편집자주) 번역글은 맥락 이해를 위해 의역 및 설명 내용 추가했음. 서울살이 길라잡이 서울앤(www.seouland.com) 취재팀 편집